Tuesday, September 14, 2010

If I had a dreamcatcher, I would NOT want to catch this dream!

What are dreams? and what determines what they will be about!? And what the heck makes us dream of these bizarre things!? -- Those are the questions that have been going through my mind ever since I woke up this morning after this dream:

I was single again (that's not the creepiest part) and was living in an old house with 5 or 6 other girls. My roommate was my sister Alicia (probably the best part of the dream) and we had the room in the attic and it was a bluish grey, and we had a wood dresser in front of a white window with a big tree outside. I was still sleeping and Alicia got up to get ready for the day. We had the window open, but then it started to lightly rain, so Alicia closed it when she got up. I continued to sleep, but soon it got really chilly, and i felt little tickling on me, like a small fly, so I wiggled it off and snuggled deeper into the covers- but the fly, or soon flies, kept landing on me. I was so confused how they got in there because the window was now closed. I was getting grossed out with all the flies, but so tired I wanted to keep sleeping so I tried to just ignore it. Finally I can't stand it anymore, and I open my eyes and off to the right of the window were a BAGILLION flies!!!! but they were miniscule little baby flies, more like gnats than anything, but they were all clumped together, like bees when they are in a hive, crawling all over each other. EW!!! Needless to say I freaked!!! I and I panicked wondering how they got in there! then I go over and look at the window that extends halfway behind the dresser. And thats when I see the problem- there must have been a leak in the window and it had rotted away the wall below the window and even the floor beneath it to the ceiling of the room below!!! (which was the kitchen - why that was an important detail in my dream I do not know). It didn't go through the ceiling, but just the floor and rafters below. So that's where the cold breeze and all those nasty little buggies were coming from! So there I was in my nightgown in the cold breeze with this sickening buzzing right to the left of me, looking at this rotting wood that created a gaping hole in our room!!!!! It was so scary! Next thing I remember (I must have called for a roommate or else someone just came in to talk) I'm back in bed curled up tight hiding in my blanket, peeking out as one of the girls, I actually think it was Alicia - is taking a shoe and smashing the little intruders! there are so many of them that they just fall in sheets bigger than the shoe when she smashes it! and she does that about 3 or 4 times and nearly 3/4 of the nasty pile of gnats are not dead in a heap on the floor right by our bed! As gross as that image was, at that point I was perfectly at rest because I knew they were dead and now was focusing on calling our landlord to fix the rotting hole!!!!
It was SO vivid, I even drew a picture for your viewing pleasure (click on it to make it larger):

Then I come out of unconsciousness into semi-consciousness and realize it was a dream!!!! I could feel my heart pounding and the adrenaline start to leave my bloodstream. But then in I continue to dream that I am running around telling all these people about this dream because it was so gross and vivid!! And it's bizarre because I can hardly ever remember my dreams, especially in so much detail, but this one was so real I could actually feel my skin crawling. And then I wake up for real and realize that I was so concerned about this dream that I dreamed I told everyone!! I'm sure if someone was watching me sleep during that dream I really would have been twitching off the flies, curling up tighter in my bed, and thrashing around. Needless to say, this is one of the mornings I actually didn't mind waking up and getting out of bed!

So I guess what I really want to say, is thanks Lici, for killing the nasty little buggies for me! (Especially because if it was real life I know you would be even more grossed out that I was!!!)


alma and nicole smith said...

ahahaha, nasty!!! now my skins crawling! good thing i wasn't in that dream, i would have made you kill them :)

Monique said...

oh you were in it, it was your shoe we used :)