Wednesday, April 2, 2008


So I felt like the crazy chef on the muppets tonight when I was making dinner because I just threw pretty much whatever I had (and my roommates had) into a pot and served it for dinner. It ended up turning out really good though! I started with the Mexican Casserole recipe... but didn't have beef so I used chicken, and seasoned it with basil (i think) then didn't have tomato sauce so I used diced tomatoes, some ragu, and some salsa.... added the noodles and corn, then put in some ranch! yum yum! I also had it with ripped up tortilla instead of chips. Overall it was pretty good-- it was the first time I'd improved a recipe. :) I know its not a new one, but I thought this could count for this month's anyway. Hope you enjoy!

1 comment:

Meridith said...

Horray! Good for you! Wish I had been there. :)