Wednesday, February 23, 2011

V-day Shenanigans

Valentines turned out great! Although we had work and school going on we were still able to get in lots of quality time. We started the morning by eating a delicious German Pancake breakfast together (which hardly ever happens); then after a break from work and school I came home to these beautiful roses on the counter, and my wonderful husband at the talbe!!!! (I normally don't see him until dinner).

Then I gave him his valentine gift: soda (which I never buy, much to his sadness) and a pop-out valentine with a coupon for a back massage.

Then he took 2 hours off of homework to make me my favorite dinner: chicken with mushroom cream sauce and mashed potatoes!! YUM! (sorry no pictures... I ate it too fast.)

Pretty much we are perfect for each other and enjoyed spending some extra time together. Overall it was a lovely lovely day!

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