We saw Avatar in 3-D, and we loved it!
Bicycle built for two? Yes please! -- So I have always wanted to do this, so when we were in Idaho visiting Lici we rented one and took this baby for a spin... check out the pure joy on my face.

Floating the Provo River!! I have also always wanted to do this, and Dima made my dream come true! It was cold and rocky, but the view was beautiful, and we were the only ones out there! -- well minus the clepto that stole Dima's shoes...

Shooting in Vegas with Dad and Lici. This was Dima's target... It may look like mine the way I'm pointing at it all excitedly... but alas, it is not.

Dima took me to the All-Star game in Salt Lake. It was so fun! and we got these sweet public health sweat bands that say "Real Fans Buckle Up" -- for the Real soccer team. Public health workers are just so witty and clever.

We painted cereal bowls for each other. I painted a robot in his because he calls me robot sometimes, and I like them... a lot. :) (for a case and point check out our halloween costumes)

yeay for updates!!! love you two. so fun to see your pre-marital journey in some pics :) oh, and i am in love w that tandem bike pic...love your face, yours too monique :)
I'm so glad to see you again. I had given up checking your blog. I love how you express yourself. The pictures of you two are so darling. You both look soooo happy. Again welcome to the family Dimitriy!!!
you two are SO cute. i love the cereal bowls! me and j might have to do that. so fun!
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