Friday, July 9, 2010

What Can You Do?

This is crazy!!!

Thought process during this video:
1) Is this even real?!
2) That's amazing!
3) People have too much time on their hands
4) Or is that the point? - Are you supposed to find something you love and do it, and become an expert in it? That's what we are told to do with our jobs/skills.
That lead me to think of all the things I loved and was so good at and have let go for one reason or another. It made me want to get back into my hobbies and practice and apply myself to bring more happiness and fullfillment to my life. I want to get back into soccer, into photography, start sewing, learn Russian, and get even better at cooking!

What are your hobbies? or what do you want to pick up?

1 comment:

Alma said...

For me it's totally rock climbing. I used to do it almost everyday. It was a HUGE part of my life. Now I never do it. If I want to do it, I will, so why don't I? See you on the rock.