Sunday, December 16, 2007

My Job

I have a wonderful job cleaning the chemistry building on campus. I wash the windows and vacuum, and have even gotten emotionally close enough to my vaccuum to name it Eugene. The sense of satisfaction from making the building look beautiful is well worth the effort. And oh yeah, my job starts at 4:00 IN THE MORNING. Thats right, 4 in the a.m., when it is still dark outside and many of my roommates have not even gone to bed, I awake to walk the several blocks in the freezing cold to wash windows. Let me tell you what it looks like at 4 in the morning, because many people have never and will never see it. It looks cold and dark, and that's about it. I usually go to bed at about 11 at night, so that means that I have gone the whole semester getting less than 5 hours of sleep every night. Let me sum up. I go to work at 4 IN THE MORNING. My roommate Becky feels sick just thinking about getting up at that hour everyday. Becky believes it is a superpower and that only those chosen are bestowed with this special gift. But I know that truth. I am actually from another planet where sleep is not required. Just kidding. I do not know how I am able to accomplish this amazing feat and perhaps I never will. But if you are stronger than Becky and able to get up in the early hours of the morning, I encourage you to do so one day, just so you are able to stand proudly in the elite group of those of us who have risen when it is still dark.

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