Monday, January 28, 2008

Miracle Worker

Richard Simmons: Dance Your Pants Off!!!!

Not only exhilarating and whimsical, but he fills your head with images of butterflies and fairies... oh wait, that's him... but really, its a very practical tape... you learn that running around in circles clapping your hands and singing (with the occasional reverse) not only drops pounds, but tones those muscles!!!! ahahah... it was so fun though!! Totally not something you do to "feel the burn", but just something you do for the experience (usually when you're in an extremely bored or crazy mood; and even then you can only take so much...)
The best part was that two guys from our ward stopped by when we were about 5 mins into our "Celebration" song and dance... lol we haven't seen them since.. poor guys, I think we scared them.

These are some of the sweet moves we learned from him:
This is us getting our game face on ...

We took the challenge, you should too, here are our results to help inspire and motivate you!!:

from another angle...


Us gone crazy after 15 mins of Richard and his shinnangins

Some normal pictures so you don't have the last ones be the last ones you remember and think of when someone says our names. :)


Matt and Amanda said...

You are tooooooo cute! Love ya. Check us out at

alma and nicole smith said...

monique, you are so funny... I wish I could have been there dancing right along side you... Or at least watched! Nothing gets me in a good mood better than Richard simmons!!