Monday, January 28, 2008


We're not talking "throw a rock at the retarded kids" kind of stoned, or the Bob Marley high... but kidney stones. I had a really bad stomach pain the Sunday of the long weekend that lasted from 5:30 ish until after midnight and included chills, throwing up and pain... lots of pain. I thought it was just a weird thing, maybe something I ate, but it returned wed at 2:30 in the morning... so i just laid in bed for about an hour until I had to get up for work and then it subsided some during work but came back around 10 that morning. That's when I decided I should go to the health care center and see what was going on. After a few tests, including getting my blood drawn, twice because the first time the girl went through my vein... sheesh. but hey that way I got two Tasmanian Devil band aids... one for each arm! The doctor concluded I had an infection and put me on antibiotics, and said there was a possibility of a kidney stone, and if the pains didn't stop by Friday then to call back and they'd set up a CT scan. Well the pain came pretty much every morning and sometimes twice a day, and so I called back and set up an appointment for Monday. I wasn't sure if I was going to get a scan done because it is just kind of like "oh yep, we were right... now wait it out and drink a lot of fluids" Theres really nothing they can do about it... but Sat I was in pain pretty much all day and figured I should get the scan so I knew a) if it even was kidney stones, b) how many c) how big, and therefore about how long until it would all be over.
So today I had the scan, and this time the girl didn't let the needle "thread" with my vein...? I'm guessing that means, oh I hit it, but didn't think I did, so I took it out to soon... then the lady who actually would be giving me the scan asked if she wanted her to do it while the other lady asked the questions... so she went on the other arm and hit the vein the first time.. yay!! oh, but then forgot to put the cap on because she couldn't find where she put it. Turns out it was in her hand! So I'm asking questions, then all of a sudden the nurse is like, oh, I'm sorry, here put your arm over here, we're making a mess. I look down and there are is a delta of streams of blood running down my arm and dripping all over the table and floor. Man you'd think after all they make nursing majors go through that they'd know how to put a needle in a vein! and the best part is that each one of them told me before they started how nice my veins were.
Anyway, that's not the point of this entry... So I get a few scans done and find out I have a bunch of stones in both kidneys, luckily they are in the kidneys, and they usually don't bug while they are up there, its only when they start to fall that they kill. So pretty much they can all start falling one after the other, or it could be years till they give me trouble again, or they could never move. So glad I got the scan, that cleared everything up so much! :) But pretty much, I think I already got rid of the one that was giving me trouble, and hopefully the rest of the little buggers will stay put.

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