Monday, October 25, 2010


I woke up yesterday and found a HUGE bump smack dab in the middle of my forehead!!! Naturally I ran through all the possibilities of what it could be. Here are the most reasonable and probable:
- I am growing another head.
- someone put a tracker/gps into me while I was sleeping (I may or may not be a highly skilled and highly intelligent member of the CIA, and naturally pose a threat to other government agencies, so they will want to know where I am and what I am doing at all times... just sayin)
- I hit my head on something; both hard enough to blackout and forget what happened and to get a huge goose egg.
-maybe it IS a goose egg...
- I am transforming into a dinosaur, or a unicorn, or some other creature with a horn on its forehead
- Someone made a voodoo doll of me and put a little too much stuffing in the forehead.

Yes, I think it very well could be any of these. Then again it might only be a bug bite or a pimple that hasn't surfaced yet. Well at least it decided to happen around halloween - no one will notice a not so small bump with all the other freakish stuff running around.


alma and nicole smith said...

haha love it. i think it is you transforming into a dinosaur...that sounds most exciting. moniqasarous, yes, that's it. jagger will be thrilled :)

Unknown said...

This cracks me up!!!