Thursday, October 28, 2010


Halloween weekend is FINALLY here!!! I have been craving treats all week long, but figured it was stupid to buy any since in a few short days there would be a seemingly endless supply in every direction. This weekend also means that my sister is coming in town!!!!! Oh I can't wait to see her! - we are going to run the Halloween Half on Saturday, the first 1/2 marathon for both of us. I'm glad she'll be doing it with me, because training didn't go quite as planned. :) Halloween also means I get to dress up!!! - which I LOVE to do. I am going to be a nerd, and I have my costume all laid out in my bedroom, just waiting for its moment of glory! To start off the festivities though, I think we are going to go to a masquerade tonight. I have never been to one, but every time it shows on in the movies it always looks so fun and classy!! (Ever After, Phantom of the Opera, Enchanted, etc.) I only decided last night/this morning that we would go. So now I need to make a mask (luck I just happen to have feathers and paint in my craft bin.) and figure out what to wear. The only formal dress I have out here is my wedding dress.... hmmm. Oh, or there's the brides maid dress from our wedding that I stole from my sister :) but its short... is that legal for a masquerade?? (cast your vote in the comments.) Also, we would love to have anyone join us. Its at 8 off state street just past Orem. And if you need masks you can come craft your with me today! (or if you're not going and still want to come craft with me.... that would be acceptable too.)

Here are some pictures of the dresses, and just some that are fun :)

(photo courtesy of New Start Photography)
(photo courtesy of New Start Photography)
(photo courtesy of New Start Photography)
(photo courtesy of Zoe Crook)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Short dress is totally acceptable - even wonderful.
do it.