Friday, December 3, 2010

Give it a minute, its going to SPACE!!!!

Today on my virtual travels, I went to SPACE by doing the following:
Title of the post is from this. So sad. So funny. So true.

Looking at Hubble photos:

This site is AWESOME!!! I could spend hours here. And each caption explaining what's going on in the picture.

Read up on my Constellations and Myths:Andromeda was the daughter of the King and Queen of Ethiopia, Cassiopeia and Cepheus. As the story goes, Cassiopeia, who was a very vain woman, bragged that she was the most beautiful living thing, more beautiful even than the nymphs of the sea.

But the Queen had forgotten how jealous and spiteful nymphs were. When they heard of the Queen's proclamation, they immediately went to their master, Neptune, lord of the sea, crying out for retribution. Neptune

sent a sea monster to punish the town. The only thing that would save them was for Cassiopeia to sacrifice her daughter Andromeda to the sea monster.

In the end, Cassiopeia relents and chains her daughter to a rock by the sea and leavers her to her fate. This time, though, fate was kind and before the sea monster could devour the girl, Perseus happened along on Pegasus returning from slaying Medusa. Perseus saw Andromeda and instantly fell in love with her. He slew the sea monster and carried Andromeda away to be his wife.

Cassiopeia and Cepheus relent to let Perseus marry their daughter. However, as the wedding began, Phineus entered the proceedings and demanded the right to marry Andromeda.

A battle ensued in which Cepheus and Cassiopeia sided with Phineus. Outnumbered, Perseus considered that he had no choice but to slay his challengers by using the head of the recently slaughtered Medusa. Following their death both Cepheus and Cassiopeia were placed among the stars by Poseidon. Cassiopeia was put upside down for half the year because of her vanity, with her husband beside her

Watched a clip of Rocketman: (watch from about 5:35-6:21)
This movie is hilarious!!!

Then I went to Space (by taking a Photobooth picture)
"I got the whole world, in my hands"

Greetings Earthlings!

Where would you like to see me go next?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Can we please go to somewhere in Asia next time?
Thanks a million :)